Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tower of HONOI

Tower of HONOI

The tower of honoi is a children’s playing game, played with three poles and a number of different sized disks. Each disk has a hole in center, allowing it to be stacked around any of the poles. Initially the disks are stacked on the left most pole in the order of decreasing size, i.e., the largest on the bottom and the smallest on the top.The objective of the honoi game is to transfer the left most pole to the right most poles without ever placing a larger disk on the top of the smaller disk. Only one disk may be moved at a time and each disk must always be placed around one of the poles.The general strategy of the tower of Honoi is to consider one of the poles to be the origin, and the to be the destination. The third pole will be used for intermediate storage. This allows the disks to be moved without placing a larger disk over the smaller one.  

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